Qualified Higher Education Expenses

Unlock the power of your GET or WA529 Invest account

Higher Education Expenses

Use 529 funds to pay for qualified higher education expenses in the chart below.

Distributions from 529 plans to cover qualified expenses must be made in the same calendar year expenses are incurred; retaining documentation of expenses is recommended. Consult with a qualified tax and/or financial professional about your individual situation. For more information, please review IRS Publication 970 – Tax Benefits for Education. IRS Publication 970 is available on the IRS website  
(www.irs.gov) or by calling the IRS at 1.800.829.1040.

State-mandated fees 
College-specific fees 
Room and board on-campus or off-campus 
Books, supplies & equipment 
Computers, software & Internet access 
Special needs 
K-12 tuition 
Apprenticeship programs 
Student loans 
TuitionFull-time or part-time tuition. Regular academic year or summer program. Undergraduate or graduate/professional program.
State-mandated feesFees a State requires its public colleges and universities to charge. Washington State fees include: operating, building, and services and activities fees (Revised Code of Washington 28B.15.020 & 28B.15.041).
College-specific feesSchool specific fees, like technology fees, library fees, recreation fees, and fees to secure repayment of bonded indebtedness are not considered state-mandated fees. These fees are not included when determining the GET payout value amount. You may use GET units to pay these fees after paying tuition and state-mandated fees with extra units available. These fees can also be paid using funds from WA529 Invest or other 529 accounts.
Room and board on-campus or off-campusActual room and board expenses charge by a college or university for campus housing and meal plans or certain off-campus rent and food costs. Students must attend at least half-time. Expenses can’t exceed room and board allowances calculated by the college or university in its Cost of Attendance budget (Check with your school’s financial aid office to determine room and board allowance).
Books, supplies & equipmentThe college course must require these expenses.
Computers, software & Internet accessPurchase of computer or peripheral equipment, computer software, and Internet access to be used primarily by a 529 plan beneficiary while enrolled.
Special needsExpenses of a student with special needs that are necessary in connection with that person’s higher education.
K-12 tuitionTuition (up to $10,000 annually) at elementary and secondary public, private, and religious schools. Note: GET and the investment options within WA529 Invest are specifically designed to save for qualified higher education expenses at postsecondary schools and are not intended to help you meet your K-12 savings goals. Please consult a tax and/or financial professional.
Apprenticeship programsCertain expenses associated with apprenticeship programs registered and certified by the Secretary of Labor under the National Apprenticeship Act.
Student loansPrincipal and interest on qualified education loans of a beneficiary or the sibling of a beneficiary. This provision applies to repayments up to $10,000 per individual. This is a lifetime amount (It is not an annual limit ).