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Webinars and the WA529 Knowledge Cafe

Knowledge Cafe logo - computer with a cup of coffeeThe WA529 Knowledge Cafe is our virtual learning center, where you can attend our webinars to learn about the Washington College Savings Plans (The GET Program and DreamAhead Plan), ask questions and gather resources that support educational goals. Q&A will be available for all sessions to ask questions.

Only have a few minutes to spare? Check out our "529 in 5 to 9" series below where we answer common questions in 5 to 9 minutes.

All webinars and virtual meetings are free and open to the public. See topics below and click the date to register. 

WA529 Basics - Get to Know the GET Program and DreamAhead Plan

Did you know a 529 plan can cover more expenses than just tuition and support a variety of academic pathways across the country and even abroad? Learn how the Washington 529 Education Savings Plans help families save for a variety of college and career training expenses.

This webinar will guide you through the details of the Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) Program and DreamAhead College Investment Plan. Q&A is provided to help you get your savings started today. 

Register now for this informative and interactive webinar:

August 13, 2024 - 12:00 pm

Click here to register

September 10, 2024 - 12:00 pm

Click here to register

Hootie explains GET and DreamAhead in 90 seconds

529 in 5 to 9

529 in 5 to 9 logo

Short on time? in this series we'll tackle common questions about 529 plans in quick 5 to 9 minute bites. Jump in to one of the videos below to get your questions answered, and don't forget to check back as we'll be adding new videos over time.



What is a 529 plan?


What is GET?


What is DreamAhead?


Past Webinars

WA529 Basics - Get to Know the GET Program and DreamAhead Plan

Did you know a 529 plan can cover more expenses than just tuition and support a variety of academic pathways across the country and even abroad? Learn how the Washington 529 Education Savings Plans help families save for a variety of college and career training expenses.

This webinar will guide you through the details of the Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) Program and DreamAhead College Investment Plan. Q&A is provided to help you get your savings started today. 


Infographics and Presentations

  • Roadmap For Their Future
    529 College Savings Plans created this handy guide parents can use to minimize a child's future reliance on student loans.
  • WA529 Basic Presentation
    Presentation that gives a general overview of GET, DreamAhead, and other college savings options.


Questions about your GET or DreamAhead account? Contact Center representatives are available to help by phone, email or video conference.
Please see our Contact Us page for details, hours, and additional information. 
