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Give Your Child a Head Start: The Benefits of Early 529 Savings

Navigating life with a newborn can be exhausting, even all-consuming at times. It’s also filled with more awe and joy than ever imagined. Time flies by as clothes are quickly outgrown and motor skills are developed, including discovering the ability to create ear-piercing screeches. Most exciting is their unique personality breaking through, shaping their outlook on the world.

SECURE 2.0 and Your 529 Account

In December of 2022, the federal government enacted SECURE 2.0 of 2022, which delivers dozens of retirement-related provisions. Among them is the ability to make tax- and penalty-free rollovers from your 529 plan into a Roth IRA. You may take advantage of the Roth rollover provision with your WA529 GET or DreamAhead account as of January 1, 2024.

mother and child holding gift boxes

Giving the Gift of Education

(November 26, 2024) - Traditions are often sentimental, full of fun, and build lasting memories with family and friends. One of my favorite holiday traditions occurs on Thanksgiving Day. I ask my kids to sit down and create a holiday wish list - complete with colorful holiday art decorating the margins. It started when my kids were little and decorated their wish list for Santa with holiday-themed pictures. I loved it so much that I asked them to keep up with the tradition of hand-written wish lists with hand-drawn art as they got older.

Top 10 Ways to Teach Kids About Saving During the Summer

Top 10 Ways to Teach Kids About Saving During the Summer

Summer is a time for fun and relaxation—especially for kids. But just because they’re taking a break from school doesn’t mean the learning should stop altogether. The trick is making it fun for them so they don’t realize they’re learning something! 

Summertime provides plenty of great opportunities to teach kids important life skills, like saving money. Whether they’re earning from chores or receiving allowances, here are some creative and enjoyable ways to instill good saving habits in children during the summer months. 

Lowering Barriers to Education

(March 27, 2024) - There are some real barriers to attending college, and some families are starting to wonder if it’s truly worth the effort. Certainly, life is not one-size-fits-all, and a degree is not a prerequisite for a good life. But higher education bestows some very clear advantages, and everyone who wants an education should be able to pursue it. Fortunately, there are many tools to help lower the barriers to a college education.

two students with truck college move in day

Stepping Into September

(September 5, 2024) - To most families with school-aged children, the arrival of September means back-to-school and diving into school year routines. The first week of September is often a flurry of last-minute back-to-school shopping, signing students up for extra-curricular activities or after-school care, and coordinating schedules to prepare for the year ahead. However, September takes on a whole new meaning when you send your kids off to another city, state, or country to continue their education after high school. It is a surreal experience for sure!

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