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Prioritizing Our Little Ones

(June 22, 2021) - “Hey Nana, I want to be an engineer when I grow up!” said one of my grandchildren. “I am going to college…somewhere!”

Each of them are unique and passionate about learning. Crafts, Lego building, podcasts, coding (yes, already at age 8) and dress-up time fill their days. They venture outside any chance they get. They find the beauty in nature and have natural curiosities about most everything.

My husband and I have five grandchildren and enjoy our time with our “little ones.”

What is Senate Bill 5430?

(May 12, 2021) - Senate Bill 5430 passed the Washington Legislature and was signed into law by Governor Inslee on May 10, 2021. When the bill took effect on July 24, 2021, it limited the future price of GET units to no more than 10 percent above that year’s current unit payout value, which is based on in-state tuition rates. This price limit will apply as long as the current state tuition policy remains in effect and GET’s funded status remains over 120%. 

Hide-and-Seek, Look for Books with Hootie!

(May 1-29, 2021)-*This promotion is now CLOSED* Thank you for playing Hide-and-Seek with Hootie! If you were one of the first 10 participants who identified locations for all 7 books that were hidden on the WA529 website, you will be notified soon! Be sure to check your email if you found all 7 books!

Washington’s 529 Day 2021 Promotion

Remember playing Hide-and-Seek? Play a Virtual Game of Hide-and-Seek and Look for Books with Hootie!

Embracing Financial Literacy

(April 11, 2021)-Saving and financial knowledge are important parts of children’s lives. With my kids, it began by reading stories that introduced money awareness. Curious George Saves His Pennies was a favorite. We counted coins and dropped them into piggy banks. We took advantage of teachable moments in everyday life. While shopping, dining out, or on a road trip, we talked about money concepts like needs vs. wants or how much things cost.  

Creating Your Own Pot of Gold

(March 5, 2021) - Many descriptive words come to mind when we think about the past year. One word that has possibly eluded us though, is “lucky”. We haven’t had much luck on our side, have we? The ones who could really use a little luck, are our kids. Between school closures, having to remain “socially distant” from their friends, and life as they know it flipped upside down, it has been a long year for them. We have encouraged them to keep going, continue to work hard, and that circumstances will eventually change. A little luck dealing with this pandemic sure would be nice.

February Celebrations

(February 11, 2021) - Celebrating holidays with little ones creates precious memories. Valentine’s Day is popular for little ones, especially giving and receiving beloved school valentines. Due to Covid-19, many of us altered our celebrations and traditions last year.  With remote learning still largely in place, Valentine’s Day celebrations will also look different.

Time for a Fresh Start

(December 30, 2020) - We made it! 2020 is officially over. A year that brought chaos, confusion and unsettled nerves. At last, we start anew. We can start 2021 with a clean slate, a fresh set of eyes and a list of new goals. Many of us will set resolutions or begin doing things that we have put off. Taking the first step is often the most difficult. When it comes to your child’s future education expenses, the first step is saving that first dollar.
