GET Forms
We encourage you to review the following before opening a GET account

Please NOTE: E-Signatures are NOT accepted. Forms must be signed by hand.
Open an Account
The 2024-25 Enrollment is open! Complete your online enrollment before 11:59 pm on May 31, 2025.
Enrollment Form
Enrollment forms are available during GET's annual open enrollment period from Nov 1 to May 31.
Buy GET Units
Automatic Withdrawal Authorization (ACH)
Set up automatic withdrawal(s) to your GET account
from your bank account
Giftor Authorization
Add a friend or relative as a “Giftor” to your
GET account.
Payment Coupon
Make a payment to your Custom Monthly GET account (paper payment coupon)
Incoming Rollover/Transfer
Rollover or transfer funds to your GET account from another 529 Plan, Coverdell Account or U.S. Savings Bond
Use Your Units
Direct Payment Request
Request a direct payment to the student
beneficiary’s college.
Reimbursement Request
Request reimbursement to the account owner for
expenses already paid
Recontribution Form
Re-contribute money refunded to the Account Owner by an eligible institution of higher education.
Request a Rollover or Refund
Outgoing Rollover (Not WA529 Invest Rollover)
Transfer your GET account into another 529 Plan. To rollover to WA529 Invest, use the form to the right.
Refund/Cancellation Request
Complete this form to request a refund of your GET account. Please review the GET Refund Policy.
Rollover to WA529 Invest
Complete this form to initiate a rollover
to WA529 Invest.
Outgoing Rollover - To Roth IRA
Complete this form to transfer your GET account into a Roth IRA for the student. Read about Roth IRA rollovers.
Make Changes to Your Account
Transfer Request
Transfer funds from one GET account to anotherGET account
Change of Address
Update your mailing address or phone number(s)
Change of Student Beneficiary
Change the student beneficiary on your account
Information Release Authorization
Authorize others to receive information about your account
Account Owner Survivor Authorization
Designate an account owner survivor in the event of
your death or disability
Change of Benefit Use Year
Change your student’s benefit use year on your account
Account Owner Change
Change the account owner on your account
Guardian Authorization
Designate a legal guardian on your account
Custodian Authorization
Designate a custodian for your account
Account Change Request
Change the terms of an existing
Custom Monthly Plan
Set Up Payroll Deduction
Payroll Direct Deposit Authorization
Set up payroll direct deposit – have money from your paycheck directly deposited into your GET account
DRS Voluntary Deduction Authorization
Use this form only if you are retired through the WA State Department of Retirement Systems
Master Scholarship Accounts
Master Scholarship Account Policy
Review the GET Master Scholarship Account Policy.
Master Scholarship Account Set-Up
Set-up a GET Master Scholarship Account